BPA SLC Headshots & Group Photos
BPA alumni member Michael Croff has been conference photographer/videographer since 2014. His company, Boldly Told Video, will be offering headshots and chapter photos again for the 2024 SLC.
They have taken suggestions from advisors and are offering one package that includes a chapter team photo and a professional headshot for all of your chapter's participants and advisers. All volunteers and other guests may purchase a headshot for $25.
Rate: $100+$1 per headshot
Final deliverables: We will email the chapter adviser the group photo and all headshots for their chapter via a Dropbox link. The images will be labeled by name. Participants will receive their headshot via SMS text message. Advisers will receive a link to all of their chapter headshots. Group photo delivered within 14 business days. Headshots delivered within 30 business days.
Sign-up for your photo package and time slot online at www.michiganbpa.org/slc-photos. Payments must be made via credit card or mailed check. After booking you will be sent an email regarding scheduling for one of these slots in 15-minute intervals during the following item slots:
March 10: 8:30-10:00 AM (Last group photo 9:45 AM)
March 10: 3:30-6:00 PM (Last group photo 6:00 PM)
March 11: 8:00-8:30 AM (Last group photo 8:30 AM)
March 11: 4:00-5:45 PM (Last group photo 5:45 PM)
Team photos will be scheduled simultaneously with headshots. Please note we can have individual headshots taken at the same time as the group photos. However, depending on the number of your group, some participants may need to return at a later time for their headshot.
Location: Amway 2nd Level Foyer next to Courtesy Corp
Please contact Mike Croff for any questions

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